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Drawk Kwast | The Alpha Male Advantage

Reality is a crutch for those lacking enthusiasm and imagination.

Why Men Prefer Sexy Dumb Girls

DK Episode 24 - July 19, 2020 - Duration: 04:05

Drawk Kwast explains why men prefer sexy dumb girls over fat intelligent girls.


0:00:01.1 Drawk Kwast: I was walking down Las Vegas Boulevard when I overheard these two fat girls complaining that guys only go for dumb girls, and they followed that statement up with the question, "Wouldn't a guy wanna be with a girl he can have an intelligent conversation with?" Conversations like this drive me nuts, so it's time to ignore the politically correct approach and set the record straight. Guys want hot girls. It's as simple as that. Any guy with any amount of self-respect wants to be with an attractive woman, and when I say attractive, I'm talking about what she looks like. Guys don't notice intelligence from 35 feet away, but they do notice a great rack and a tight ass. That's what gets our attention.

0:01:02.6 DK: When guys are out on the Las Vegas Strip, given the choice between an intelligent fat girl and a dumb hot girl, we'll pick the bimbo every time. In fact, we won't even get close enough to the fat girl to notice how intelligent she is. Don't get me wrong, intelligence has its place, given the choice between a dumb hot girl and an intelligent hot girl, the girl with the higher IQ will win my affections, no doubt. We prefer intelligence, but we crave sex. In our list of priorities, we have to actually want to have sex with you before we even consider your intelligence. Amazingly enough, intelligent fat girls don't seem to be able to figure out the most crucial part of this equation. No matter how smart they think they are, if the intelligent fat girls were so smart, they would get on a treadmill at the gym, stop shoveling McDonald's into their pie holes, and get skinny.

0:02:23.5 DK: Now, before you call me a male chauvinist pig, understand that I'm also talking about the health issues related to being more than 20 pounds overweight. It just so happens that when a woman is in great physical shape, skinny and healthy, guys are more attracted to her, it's just that simple. We find women who lack the intelligence to balance their caloric intake and the self-discipline to exercise correctly to be very unattractive. Looks are not just a vanity issue, they are an indicator of self-awareness, discipline, and intelligence. A fat girl's appearance on the outside is a direct reflection of her problems on the inside. So here's my challenge to all of the intelligent fat girls out there; you're smart, figure out how to get skinny, show us through your looks that you are worthy of approach. Once you're less than 125 pounds, unless you're a fucking giraffe, make a comment below and tell me if men seem more interested in having intelligent conversations with you then.

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