DK Episode 20 - June 16, 2020 - Duration: 01:08
Drawk Kwast talks about the journey of an alpha male.
While I was going through the pain period of my life, which involved many years of learning via failure and desensitization, there was one thing that kept me going. It was a small paragraph that I wrote, printed out, and read repeatedly. That paragraph appears below. Feel free to print it out and read as needed. Maybe it will keep you moving forward as it did me.
I am on a journey that most will never undertake. I am going to learn things that most will never know. This journey will require failure, frustration, embarrassment, and alienation at times, but who I am becoming is bigger than my childish desire to protect my ego. At the end of every day I get stronger and further down the path that most will never travel. I am willing to pay the price that they are not to attain what they will never have.
-Drawk Kwast
0:00:13.0 Drawk Kwast: I am on a journey. I am on a journey that most will never undertake. I am going to learn things that most will never know. This journey will require failure, frustration, embarrassment, and alienation at times, but who I am becoming is bigger than my childish desire to protect my ego. At the end of every day I get stronger and further down the path that most will never travel. I am willing to pay the price that they are not to attain what they will never have. Live it.
Sun. - Dec. 29, 2024 - 11:49 AM (Pacific)
Hello, Dallas, Texas... it’s time to do this shit JR Ewing style.
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Wed. - Jan. 24, 2024 - 07:02 PM (Pacific)
Elon, thanks for leveling the playing field on Twitter... I'm posting again from @drawkkwast
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Sun. - May. 28, 2023 - 12:38 PM (Pacific)
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